About indian wild ass sanctuary


Little Rann of Kutch, Gujarat

Best time to Visit

November to April

Nearest Airport

Ahmedabad Airport - About 110 km


Approx. 4953 Sq. Km.


Maximum 49oC & Minimum 2oC

Nearest Railway Station

Viramgam - About 45 km


The Park is open for tourists throughout the year.

Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary is one of the largest sanctuaries in India and the only place on earth where the endangered Indian Wild Ass (Equus hemionus Khur), locally known as the Ghudkhar, still lives. The only other two subspecies of wild asses live in the high arid plateaus of Tibet, making this the most accessible place to witness wild asses in their natural habitat.

The sanctuary consists of a vast area of flat land with small islands, known as the “Baits” which form the core of flora and fauna in this region. Wild Asses are attracted to these Baits, where there is a regular supply of water and grass.

Besides the Wild Ass, the sanctuary is also home to many other animals. Due to its proximity to the Gulf of Kutch and its location on migratory routes of many birds, it attracts about three hundred varieties of dryland birds from across the world during winters. The sanctuary is also a hunting ground for a variety of raptors and home to quite a few reptiles like lizards, snakes, tortoise, and saw-scaled viper.

Major Wildlife

Jungle Cat, Desert Cat, Chinkara Gazelle, Nilgai Antelope, the endangered Indian wolf, Jackal, Desert and Indian foxes, Hare, Desert Gerbil, pale and long-eared Hedgehog, Houbara Bustard, Spotted Sandgrouse, Common and Demmossile Cranes, Flamingoes, Pelicans, Ducks, Storks, Ibises, Falcons, Larks, Desert Warbler, Desert Wheatear, Quails, Francolins, Indian courser, Eagles, Falcon, Harrier, Vultures, White-eyed Buzzard, Hawks, Kites and Owlets.

distance from major cities

Viramgam – About 45 km
Ahmedabad – About 130 km
Rajkot – About 175 km
Mumbai – About 660 km
Delhi – About  1030 km

near by attractions

Ahmedabad – The heritage city of India and Lothal – An Indus Valley Civilization site.

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