About Govind National Park


Uttarkashi District, Uttarakhand

Best time to Visit

April to June & October to November

Nearest Airport

Dehradun - About 230 km


Approx. 472 Sq. Km.


Maximum 15oC & Minimum -5oC

Nearest Railway Station

Dehradun - About 210 km


The Park is usually closed for tourists from 1st December to 31st March every year.

Govind National Park is undoubtedly one of the most exotic national parks in the Garhwal region. Situated at higher altitudes, it is one of the most most important areas for the conservation of Snow Leopard and Bearded Vulture.

The park is also known as Govind Pashu Vihar National Park and wildlife sanctuary and is named after the famed freedom fighter, Govind Ballabh Pant, who later became the Home Minister and is also known for establishing Hindi as an official language. Its snow-covered mountains gift this landscape with breathtaking views along with rare wildlife. The park is categorized as a Snow Leopard Reserve under the Snow Leopard Conservation Project by the Indian Government and also plays a very important role in the conservation of the Bearded Vulture, along with many other rare animals who manage to live at such high altitudes. The Tons river enriches the park and helps in the growth of foliage.

Govind National Park attracts thousands of tourists every year to enjoy the beauty of its snow-clad peaks and glaciers. One can enjoy a trek within the park, the most famous being the Har ki Dun Valley Trek.  

Major Wildlife

Snow leopard, Himalayan Black bear, Brown bear, Musk deer, Bharal, Himalayan Tahr, Serow, Common leopard, Red panda, Himalayan palm civet, Sambhar, Sikkim vole, Indian porcupine, Barking, Himalayan rat, Common otter, Goral, Hedgehog, Wild boar, Monal Pheasant, Koklas Pheasant, Bearded Vulture Himalayan Snow Cock, Golden Eagle, Western Tragopan, Steppe Eagle, Black Eagle, Owls, Pigeons, Minivets, Thrush, Warblers, Bulbul, The rare bearded vulture, Himalayan Palm, Parakeet, Sikkim Vole, and more.

distance from major cities

Uttarkashi – About 100 km
Dehradun – About 210 km
Delhi – About 528 km
Mumbai – About 1900 km

near by attractions

Yamunotri, Lakhamandal, Kedarnath, Badrinath.
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